Astana Old Town Walking Tour
Astana Old Town Walking Tour

We invite residents and guests of Astana to the unique «Astana Old Town» tour, organized by Fading.TSE and Cafe Tselinnikov. Join us for a walking tour into the past of the capital of Kazakhstan. You'll have the chance to touch and feel the original architectural artifacts and delve into the history of Kazakhstan's capital city. Led by our guide, Temirtas Iskakov of Fading TSE, you'll discover the iconic buildings of Tselinograd, explore the hidden gems of Akmola architecture, and enjoy the flavors of Kazakh and Georgian cuisine at the famous Tselinnikov Café.

The event duration is 3 hours, and the cost is 18,000 tenge per person. The tour program includes:

  • Gathering of guests and introduction to the tour.
  • Tea and coffee on the summer terrace. Pre-order for lunch: «Kazakh», «Soviet» and «Georgian (vegetarian)» lunch sets will be available on your choice
  • Walking tour of the historic center of the capital – the heart of the old city. 
  • Lunch at the Café of Tselinnikov and getting know with guests and organizers, who will help you discover the city from another perspective. 

Tour is limited to 12 people with the minimum number of participants of 6 people.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes!

Дата публикации: 24.05.2023
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Место на карте
Астана, улица Кенесары, 32

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